Well it was down to the mound at Prestwick today, just for a couple of hours for the last two A-29B’s on delivery to the Nigerian Air Force. The two that had been held up in Iceland, presumably as the Pink Panther was lying down – he was the one that had been sick and delayed the flight to Prestwick.
There were probably close to a hundred spotters there when I arrived, nice to see that people will still make the effort for something different. Other stuff that was there was a couple of broken C-17’s, a Ryanair P7 and a 1/2, Cargolux lump and a Cessna Caravan II – along with the usual bits of wood.
After the A-29B’s arrived, there was an exodus of spotters, which was a good clue that the Splash ‘N’ Dash had turned into a nightstop. So after a quick chat with some of the other spotters, time for heading home.
What rumours from the mound, well it seems that there is to be a Boeing facility at Glasgow – more on that after I have a hunt for some info. There are to be two Squadrons of F-35’s at Lakenheath, this isn’t really news – but the information that the Squadrons will comprise 27 aircraft each is interesting.
Don’t know if this indicates that the F-35 is a hanger queen, or that the new size of the squadrons will be carried through to the others that will surely follow.