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A quick catch up, there has been a bit of activity at Prestwick over the past few days – so thought that I’d add a post. As we all know, good old Prestwick gets it’s fair share of more exotic types than the other Scottish Airports.

And over the past few days there have been a few nice bits and pieces through, a couple of Antonov’s, US Army Dash 8, RCAF Polaris, four CF-18’s and the Samaritans Purse DC-8. Not at all bad for just a few days, there were a few others – but for me these were the highlights.

It’s always nice to see something nostalgic in the air, a DC-8 fills the bill for nostalgia – not that I would have ever expected that in the 1970’s. There are more movements planned over the next couple of days, with two additional RCAF CF-18’s to replace the broken ones that I’m sure will be there for a few more rounds of Golf..

There will it seems only be the RN Hawks and the F-20’s operating out of Prestwick for Joint Warrior, so it looks like the next biggie will be COP 26 – on that front there is currently nothing to add to the rumours.

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