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Aeronumerology Downloads

I have decided to try and make this site more useful to spotters, this information is available from a number of other sources in a different format. I have decided to make this data a little more user friendly, by creating files that can be downloaded and imported directly into applications like Microsoft Excel, Lebara Calc or Apple Numbers infact any spread sheet or other application that can import a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file.

At the moment there will only be some simple registers, the first three will be Australia, Canada and the USA which will comprise two files – Current Aircraft and de-registered aircraft with more than 731,000 records in total. These are broken down as follows;

  • Australia Active – 16507 Records – 16 September 2024 2.26% 2.26%
  • Canada Active – 38551 Records – 16 September 2024 5.28% 5.28%
  • United States Active – 298240 Records – 16 September 2024 40.70% 40.70%
  • United States Deregistered – 378721 Records – 16 September 2024 51.76% 51.76%

File Contents

There are some caveats with the data, firstly it is downloaded from the official sites for the respective registers. To make the files more spotter friendly I have removed everything not listed below, then paired the files as required to give a consistent format for the data. This means that there are a couple of “anomalies” that apply – one for the Canadian register, which is that if an aircraft is owned by multiple share holders, each one gets an entry in the file. For the other “anomalie” which is in the Australian file, all the quotation marks had to be removed to match the standard of the other files.

The data in each file is in the same format, comprising five comma separated fields, each field representing a single data point these are;

  1. Registration
  2. Manufacturer
  3. Model
  4. Manufacturers Serial Number (Construction Number)
  5. Registrant (Individual, Company or Organisation)

These files are free to download and use, but if you feel like keeping the site going or find the data useful you can always buy me a doughnut by donating.

Australian Register

The Australian Civil Register, in a simple to use format which can be imported to your favorite application.

Canadian Register

The Canadian Civil Register, in a simple to use format which can be imported to your favorite application.

USA Current

The United States Civil Register, in a simple to use format which can be imported to your favorite application.

USA Deregistered

The United States Civil Register deregistered aircraft, in a to use format which can be imported to your favourite application.

C-17 Check List

A printable C-17 check list, grouped by operator with the following information listed.

  • Serial Number
  • Delivery Customer
  • Construction Number
  • Line Number
  • Status

With space for a date seen and location to be entered, can be carried as a quick reference.

Register Guide

This is a simple guide to the contents of the downloadable register files, a simple text document descibing the contents of the US Current and the US Deregistered files.

Contains a simple descriptor for each of the comma separated values in each of the files, can equally apply to the other civil registers available for download here

C-5 Check List

A printable C-5 check list, in Serial order with the following information listed.

  • Serial Number
  • Manufacturer and Model
  • Operator
  • Construction Number
  • Sratus

With space for a date seen and a location to be entered, can be carried as a quick reference.

Spotting Guide

This is a quick guide covering the very basics of plane spotting, if you’ve been spotting for any length of time it is probably of little use.

However if you are thinking of spotting as a hobby, or are just starting out – then there may be some pointers that you find helpful – it’s free and you may find some things to think about before getting to involved.

Support the site.

It does take some time and effort to create these files, there are a number of costs associated with running the site. So if you can consider supporting this site with a donation it would be helpful, if you find the above files useful then why not treat me to a doughnut – or even a doughnut and a coffee if you’re feeling really flush.

But regardless of whether you donate or not, I hope that the contents of the files are of some use, also bear in mind that the files are all from the date as specified on the individual bar graphs – I will try and produce a new data set every month or more frequently if time allows.

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