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Keeping this site running.

Site Costs

Although not a massive expense, keeping this site running does cost a bit. I’ve had the occassional donation – but they are occassional and I drink a lot of coffee along with eating the odd dohnut. So as an additional cost covering stream I’ve started an Amazon Associate account, just to try and defray the costs for the site a bit more. This means that there will be Amazon links in some posts, there will also be reviews of any spotting related products that I buy.

 The site used to carry links to aviation stuff on Amazon, usually books that I thought would be suitable for people interested in aircraft and their histories. So the site will not look that different, but if you are thinking of buying something from Amazon – coming here and clicking through on a link would help – it also doesn’t cost you any more for the product.

What does it mean for the site, well it should hopefully mean that I will be less out of pocket than I am. And I may be able to find more interesting things to post about, anyway that is the gist of it.