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Registers Update 16th September 2024

Latest Register Files

So as soon as I say that I think the Australian civil register update frequency has dropped to once a month. A nuw update drops two weeks later, just to prove me wrong. The register files on the download page have now all been updated, with the files dated the 16th of September 2024.

Again feel free to download the files, for your personal use only. You should note that these are at the date specified on the downloads page, as is the record count.

As the Australian file seems to have the longest update interval, no I’m not going to specify the interval as it seems to change whenever I do. So all the files will carry the date where Australia updates the available register. The canadian and US files are updated on a daily basis, but the work of consolidating the data files on a daily basis is more than I want to do.

These files will be ahead of commercial products for just a short time, until the updaters catch up.


Support this site.

It does take some time and effort to create these downloads, also there are a number of costs associated with running the site. So if you can consider supporting this site with a donation it would be helpful, if you find the site useful then why not treat me to a doughnut – or even a doughnut and a coffee if you’re feeling really flush.

Or if you are thinking of ordering something from Amazon then you could click the link to get there, it doesn’t actually cost you anything. And it will help me to pay for the site hosting, which is getting more expensive like everything else.

But regardless of whether you donate or not, I hope that the contents of the files are of some use, also bear in mind that the files are as dated in the bar graph on the down load page – I will try and produce a new data set every month or more frequently if time allows.

Please note these files are provided for personal use, if you want to use them for any other purpose or if you want to make them available through your own site – get in touch first.



Download Files Update

Register Updates

The most recent registers have been uploaded, the delay as usual was down the the Australian Civil Aircraft Register. The register seems to update less frequently than it used to, it has been monthly for the past few months. Also included in the updates are the US Civil Aircraft Register and the Canadian Civil Aircraft Register, which along with the American Civil Aircraft Register de-registered aircraft file now totals some 730,000 records.

I have been looking at pulling together a number of other registers, while keeping the format the same. These include a number of European Civil Aircraft Registers, the Austrian Civil Aircraft Register and the Belgian Civil Aircraft Register likely to be the first two. Followed by the Britsh Civil Aircraft Register and the Dutch Civil Aircraft Register.