Been and Gone
Last KC10 Extender
It would seem that the last KC10 Extender has been and gone at Prestwick, or anywhere for that matter. I was a spotter before they were a thing, I’m still a spotter after they have gone. It seems odd to know that there will never be another one as a Prestwick Visitor. There was something quite majestic about them, now the feeling will be nostalgia.
Only photographs and log books will record that they were ever at Prestwick, survivors are now relegated to museums. I’ll no doubt feel the same when the Galaxy and the Stratotanker goes, but there’s progress for you.
Enthusiats would have felt the same when any number of aircraft were retired from service. At least now there is more focus on preserving some examples, I doubt that we’ll see one flying though. There are examples of large aircraft being kept flying, but I’m confident when I say you won’t see a Red Bull Extender.
Still that’s progress for you!
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