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Missing Aircraft Data

Hidden Data – may be more apt!

Since the recent visit to Prestwick of the unmarked KC-135, there has been a bit of a hullabaloo on the social media groups and forums used by plane spotters. So in an attempt to explain where we are I’m going to create a couple of posts here, this first post will cover off some of the basics and I’ll get into the detail in subsequent posts,

Some History.

Plane spotters have always been a resourceful group, many spotters work in the aviation industry and have historically been able to access data and disseminate it quickly to other spotters. Even in the 1960’s (before there was any dedicated technology) it wasn’t uncommon to see crowds turn up at some out of the way place if there were unusual movements.

By the 1970’s you could track aircraft listening to Short Wave radio, if you had the right (fairly expensive) equipment. In the late 1970’s along came the ACARS system, where the aircraft identity and some telemetary was transmitted using a a varsion of Teletype data. This system is still in use today, although it doesn’t have the convenience of the newer systems from a spotters perspective.

Latterly the vast majority of aircraft tracking has moved to ADSB and it’s off shoots. So now anyone with a reasonably modern phone can track aircraft, no matter where they are provided they have data coverage.

So what is being hidden?

There are two Federal Aviation Authority programmes that are in operations at the moment, one Limiting Aircraft Displayed Data (LADD) has global reach and in truth just slightly anoying from a spotting perspective. This service is an FAA service and should apply only in US Air Space, but affects anyone taking data from the FAA sources – so if the aircraft is in the LADD programme – that’s the data displayed by third parties taking the FAA feed so aircraft are displayed minus certain pieces of data.

The easiest way to see what data is hidden is to compare an aircraft on Flight Radar 24 and ADSB Global, as you will be able to see there is quite a lot missing but you can still identify the aircraft on the latter site.

The other the Privacy ICAO Address programme (PIA) is currently limited in scope, covering only FAA regulated air space. But there is provision in the latest FAA rules, signed into law in May this year that would allow this to be extended globally with the agreement of other nations. This is a real pain for the spotter, as the aircraft is allowed to electronically hide it’s true identity and broadcast a completely fake identity – there are currently some 55,000 hexcode/registration allocations for these. You can do your own detective work on ADSB global, where you can see that all that is displayed is a call sign and a fake hexcode/registration.

With both of the above programmes, the physical registration must still be displayed – so the Mk 1 eyball still defeats the objective.

What about the military?

So there have been a number of recent reports of unmarked military aircraft, along with some misconceptions about the why. The reason given for the military aircraft flying without any markings other than national insignia (that’s all that’s required by law) is, Operational Security (OPSEC). Currently as far as I’m aware only aircraft operated by the United States Air Force Air Mobility Command (AMC) are in scope for the removal of aircraft identification marks and when time allows I will provide a list of these.

But in the meantime, here is a list of the units that fall into the scope of being painted in the new scheme – with no identifying marks.

87th Air Base Wing | Joint Base Mcguire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey

628th Air Base Wing | Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina

43rd Air Mobility Group | Pope Army Airfield, North Carolina

60th Air Mobility Wing | Travis Air Force Base, California

305th Air Mobility Wing | Joint Base Mcguire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey

375th Air Mobility Wing | Scott Air Force Base, Illinois

515th Air Mobility Operations Wing | Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii

521st Air Mobility Operations Wing | Ramstein Air Base, Germany

19th Airlift Wing | Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas

62nd Airlift Wing | Joint Base Lewis-Mcchord, Washington

89th Airlift Wing | Joint Base Andrews, Maryland

317th Airlift Wing | Dyess Air Force Base, Texas

436th Airlift Wing | Dover Air Force Base, Delaware

437th Airlift Wing | Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina

6th Air Refueling Wing | Macdill Air Force Base, Florida

22nd Air Refueling Wing | Mcconnell Air Force Base, Kansas

92nd Air Refueling Wing | Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington

18th Air Force | Scott Air Force Base, Illinois

The list of types operated by the above units is quite extensive, but I don’t have knowledge of them all – although I’m putting the list together. But it does include some aircraft from the following types – KC-46, KC-135, KC-10, VC-135, V-22, C-20, C-21, C-32, C-37, C-5, C-130, C-17 – probably some others. But it should be noted that at the moment, the removal of visible identification marks applies only to Air Mobility Command aircraft – that of course could change.

Already reported by spotters as being used without any visible marks are, the following types – KC-46, KC-135, V-22, C-32, C-37 and C-130.

Now as a plane spotter I’m a bit hacked off with this whole thing, but there’s not a lot that can be done about it – if anyone wants to contribute to this then feel free I’ve covered the LADD and the PIA stuff in earlier posts but not the Air Mobility Command stuff yet as I’m still doing a bit of research.


Support this site.

It does take some time and effort to create these downloads, also there are a number of costs associated with running the site. So if you can consider supporting this site with a donation it would be helpful, if you find the site useful then why not treat me to a doughnut – or even a doughnut and a coffee if you’re feeling really flush.

But regardless of whether you donate or not, I hope that the contents of the files are of some use, also bear in mind that the files are as dated in the bar graph on the down load page – I will try and produce a new data set every month or more frequently if time allows.

Please note these files are provided for personal use, if you want to use them for any other purpose or if you want to make them available through your own site – get in touch first.



US Registered Warbirds

US Registered Warbirds

Most people reading this will have heard the term “Warbird”, but for clarity I’ll add the current definition as it has changed somewhat over the years. Originally a warbird was a Second World War aircraft, demilitarised and operated by civilians or a preservation entity like The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. Now it is considered as any “vintage” military aircraft with a civilian or a presevation society like the BBMF or the Comemorative Air Force as the operator.

Seeing an aircraft like a Mustang, Hurricane, Spitfire or something else from the war years is something quite special. Visiting Duxford in the UK or some of the other locations around the world and seeing these aircraft still flying is memorable, appreciating how much care and attention is lavished on these machines – some approaching 100 years old evokes something akin to awe.

Take a photograph in Black and White and to the average person it could just as easily have been taken 60, 70 or 80 years ago, there is a certain nostalgia that makes itself felt in that moment. It’s not just the fighters with the catchy names that are evocative, the trainers, transports, bombers and utility aircraft of the era also have an undeniable cachet.

Currently there are thousands of these aircraft on the US Civil Register, for example there are 206 “North American F/P-51” Mustangs active (with a CofA) in the August file available from our download page. There are 56 “North American B-25” Mitchell’s and around 180 “Douglas DC-3 & variants”, although these are still effectively being refurbished and re-engined by Basler Turbo Conversions. The aircraft listed above are some of the better known warbirds, but what about the lesser known ones like the Piper Cub.

When you look at aircraft like the Piper Cub (the first US aircraft shot down immediately before the attack on Pearl Harbour), which started life as the Taylor E-2 in 1930 with production ending in 1947 – almost twenty thousand being built between 1938 and 1947 – at peak production an aircraft rolling off the line every 20 minutes. There are still over 3,800 of these currently active on the US Civil Register, the youngest of these is 76 years old. Should they be classified as a warbird, personally I’d say yes.

They maybe didn’t have the zingy Spitfire, Mustang, Thunderbolt, Warhawk name and except for a few examples they weren’t armed – but they fit the original and new criteria in equal measure. There are many others that fit the bill, the Harvard under several designations such as the AT-6 or SNJ(pick a number) with at least 700 still current.

In all there may be more than ten thousand warbirds currently active on the US Civil Register, quite a respectable 3% or more of all aitcraft on the register.


Support this site.

It does take some time and effort to create these downloads, also there are a number of costs associated with running the site. So if you can consider supporting this site with a donation it would be helpful, if you find the site useful then why not treat me to a doughnut – or even a doughnut and a coffee if you’re feeling really flush.

But regardless of whether you donate or not, I hope that the contents of the files are of some use, also bear in mind that the files are as dated in the bar graph on the down load page – I will try and produce a new data set every month or more frequently if time allows.

Please note these files are provided for personal use, if you want to use them for any other purpose or if you want to make them available through your own site – get in touch first.



Serial Number Missing!

No Number Visible!

I recently visited Prestwick, to see a couple of Australian C-130’s and have a quick look at some other stuff that was in. There was a KC-135R sitting over on the North side, the only discernable marking was the US Flag on the tail. There was no serial number visible, this is in line with the new Air Mobility Command policy – but is not a great help to a plane spotter.

I had watched it on ADSB as it came over the western approaches, watched as it did a quick pirouette and then landed at Prestwick. It’s transponder code matched the known code for 62-3553, but from the mound there was nothing visible on the aircraft to confirm that. Today I loaded the pictures I had taken to have a look for the Data Block, it was not visible anywhere on the port side of the aircraft – even with the photographs zoomed in to 200%.

Plane spotters have known that the removal of the visible serial numbers was happening, however I for one was unaware that the data block would be removed or relocated to somewhere that it wasn’t visible.

So when the next one comes in, I’ll need to try and be there when it arrives and when it departs – just to try and find the data block. Without a visible serial, the plane spotter is effectively in the dark as to the true identity of the aircraft. The transponder can be set to transmit pretty much any code, which could equate to any aircraft – the loss of the ability to use the Mk I eyeball to confirm the ID is pretty catastrophic.

I have known that this would happen for 15 years, as back in 2009 Lockheed, Boeing and the USAF started the project for the use of RFID tracking of Aircraft and Parts. The original news article is here, there are quite a few others around one of the most informative is this one here.

So spotters will have to become a bit more creative about how they get the actual numbers, or they just have to trust that the Hex Code is correct – not that easy to do when you remember that in the past there have been USAF aircraft with a different serial on each side of the tail!


Support this site.

It does take some time and effort to create these downloads, also there are a number of costs associated with running the site. So if you can consider supporting this site with a donation it would be helpful, if you find the site useful then why not treat me to a doughnut – or even a doughnut and a coffee if you’re feeling really flush.

But regardless of whether you donate or not, I hope that the contents of the files are of some use, also bear in mind that the files are as dated in the bar graph on the down load page – I will try and produce a new data set every month or more frequently if time allows.

Please note these files are provided for personal use, if you want to use them for any other purpose or if you want to make them available through your own site – get in touch first.



Latest File Updates

August Update

Well the downloads page has been updated, all four of the downloadable files are now dated the 6th of August 2024 – providein a total of just over 730,000 records available for download. As normal the down load files are provided in a Comma Separated Valuses file, this can be loaded into any application capable of supporting the format – a good place to start are any of the spread sheet applications.

Over the next couple of weeks I intend to add a couple of files, these will be aditional to the existing Austalian and Canadian registers – where I intend to add the deregistered aircraft as far back as I can. Along with composite files covering surviving WWII aircraft, but these will take some time to create – it may be that I create some files of individual types first.

As usual the rules on the use of the data are free to use for personal use, but a mention of a donation would be nice if you’re going to post on your own site.


Support this site.

It does take some time and effort to create these downloads, also there are a number of costs associated with running the site. So if you can consider supporting this site with a donation it would be helpful, if you find the site useful then why not treat me to a doughnut – or even a doughnut and a coffee if you’re feeling really flush.

But regardless of whether you donate or not, I hope that the contents of the files are of some use, also bear in mind that the files are as dated in the bar graph on the down load page – I will try and produce a new data set every month or more frequently if time allows.

Please note these files are provided for personal use, if you want to use them for any other purpose or if you want to make them available through your own site – get in touch first.



Files Update

The New Data Files.

Have grown tired of waiting for the Australian data file to be updated, so have ammended the downloads page to reflect the data set used to create the files along with the record count for each file.

Hopefully the Australian file will be updated soon, I’m currently working on converting the ancillary datafiles from the Australian site and expect to have them done for the middle of August this should add a few thousand additional records to the downloads available. It will comprise at least two files, the derigistered and the changed registration files.

Following that I expect to be uploading some more check lists and a number of military data sets, but first I’m off line for a couple of weeks.

If anyone has anything specific that they would like, I’ll see if I can extract it and put it in a format that can be used from the downloads page. But it’s unlikely that I’ll be picking up any stuff from the site until the begining of August at the earliest.

Online Logging Maybe!

The Plane Spotters Community.

I’ve looked at a number of online logging platforms in the past, to be fair they all have good and bad points. For me the biggest negative has always been that a number of these sites restrict your ability to download your log, some to just once a year – for a dedicated spotter a year can be a lot of data.

So I was pleasantly surprised to see the facility to send your log to an Excel spread sheet that can be saved locally, allowing you to have a local copy and an online copy (more copies is always better). Now to be fair, I’ve only entered 100 records into the site and haven’t had time to fully investigate it. But compared to some of the other sites that I’ve looked at the features seem to be quite good.

The database is fairly good, I know from personal experience how onerous a task it can be keeping a database up to date. Having nearly 2000 copies of the FAA Database Download going back as far as the late 90’s and hard copies going back to 1964, that doesn’t cover the hundreds of copies of other registers and fleet lists that I have incorporated in my own personal database.

Having checked the data out it is fairly accurate, but there are a couple of gotchas when it comes to inputting the data – but all in all it is fairly slick. Five stars on the ability to download your data after every logging session, pretty good rating on everything else that I’ve tried.

Once I’ve given the site a good test, I’ll post again with a more detailed review. But first impressions indicate that this site is better than average for an online logging platform.

The site is available here and is worth a checkout.

Support this site.

It does take some time and effort to create the downloads on the site, also there are a number of costs associated with running the site. So if you can consider supporting this site with a donation it would be helpful, if you find the site useful then why not treat me to a doughnut – or even a doughnut and a coffee if you’re feeling really flush.

But regardless of whether you donate or not, I hope that the contents of the files are of some use, also bear in mind that the files are all from the date indicated on the percentage bar – the next set of download files should be available early August – hopefully the Australians will have provided an update by then.